PSM Group (PSMG)

Phoenix Sport & Media Group Limited is our holding company and owns stakes in our various subsidiary companies and also provide services and functions throughout our group.  Each company within our group is a separate legal entity with its own Board of Directors and different shareholders but share the same brand.

Key People:

Brian Deane - Group Chairman

Carly Barnes - Group Director & CEO

Ben Rees - Group Director & CFO


 The PSMG Board have overall responsibility for setting the group's strategic goals.

Our group board of directors is made up of our Group Chief Executive, our Chief Financial Officer and our Group Chairman. The board meet on a regular basis throughout the year. Our group board has responsibility for implementing strategies throughout our companies and for overseeing the day-to-day operations.

Our Group Chairman is responsible for overseeing our motivational environment and building relationships for the company as a key ambassador. Our Chair is also the bridge between our group board and our investors 

Our CEO and CFO sit on the board of each of our companies to ensure that they execute well.

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